Realty Division

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The United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC), Realty Division stewards some 2000+ miles of land bordering the international boundary with Mexico including parts of the Rio Grande up to Perche Damn in New Mexico, and various arroyos in south Texas leading into the Rio Grande. As stewards of these lands, this office is tasked with administering the USIBWC Federal Outgrant Program (IBWC-FOP).

USIBWC Principal Monument #9; Photograph Credit: Frankie PinonThe USIBWC-FOP in accordance with public law no. 370-74th congress (49 stat.906) tasks the USIBWC with operation and maintenance of a license and permit program designed to either permit or not permit all projects including but not limited to, event(s), construction, right of entry, recreational, or commercial over, through, or under the USIWBC Right of Way.

The USIWBC issues federal Outgrants which is described as a grant of interest or right to one to use government real property by a lease, easement, license, or permit. It is an agreement whereby a third party may, depending on the type of real estate instrument issued, enjoy an interest in or use of real property. All proposed ventures within the USIBWC Right of Way (stewarded or otherwise owned) will be subject to a complete review. All reviewable material shall be submitted in digital format.

NOTE: Any and all infrastructure including events, projects, or otherwise unpermitted ventures may be subject to encroachment procedures and may result in legal action or forced removal.

Contact Us

Realty Chief

John Claudio
(956) 844-9296

Realty Specialist
Western Boundary

Demetria Walker
Cellular: (915) 343-9851

Realty Specialist
South Texas – LRGV

Joel Saldivar
(956) 363-1144

Mail to:
Attn: Realty
4191 N Mesa St
El Paso, TX

Application questions?
Email us at:

Apply for Outgrant

Step 1. Identify the project area

Ensure the property that your proposed event will be on property of the federal government stewarded or owned by the USIBWC. This includes any project(s) that run through, over, or under the USIBWC Right of Way. (The USIBWC will not conduct research of title or property records for private ventures or will any surveys be conducted – For request of records please see FOIA process).

Step 2. Gather all associated materials
  1. Application Cover Sheet
    • You may include a letter of proposal with your organization’s letterhead attached to the required Project Application cover sheet IBWC Form 371.
    • Identify what type of Outgrant you are requesting (i.e. permit, lease, easement, etc.)
    • If construction, list the types of structures, improvement, or work that is being constructed.
    • Include a statement of reason for said request within the description (i.e. commercial, public, or private venture).
  2. General Maps and Drawings (PDF/KMZ Format)
    • Letter-sized drawings in landscape format are the minimal acceptable size.
    • Meridian or North arrow shown. (Maps)
    • Drawn to scale with scale stated and shown graphically.
    • Project areas will show Latitude and Longitude GPS Coordinates. (Maps).
    • Include start and end points for all projects (if applicable).
  3. Vicinity Map (PDF/KMZ Format)
    • Letter-sized maps in landscape format are the minimal acceptable size.
    • Show a town, highway, bridge, or major identifiable landmark nearby.
    • Show specific location of work, outlines of circled in red.
    • KMZ file depicting work area(s) - (if applicable)
    • Project areas will show latitude and longitude GPS coordinates (Vicinity Map)
    • Include start and end points for energy infrastructure (if applicable)
  4. Location Map (PDF/KMZ Format)
    • Letter sized maps in landscape format are the minimal acceptable size.
    • Show areas where facilities are to be constructed outlined in red.
    • Show property lines (meters and bounds, if possible) and/or location of property line markers, such as steel pipes driven into the ground with permanent identification data.
  5. Plans and Specifications (PDF Format)
    • Drawings of sufficient detail to determine exactly what is proposed, how it is to be constructed or carried out, and by whom
    • In an operation involving earthwork, such as an excavation, drilling, or boring, a cross section and profile of the postponed work must be furnished. See example in Criteria for Construction Activities with Limits of USIBWC Floodways.
  6. Land Ownership Other than Federal (PDF Format)
    • If the proposed event is on land owned by an entity other than USIBWC, the applicant must include a statement from the owners giving permission for such construction on their property and access thereto (Provide statement in PDF Format)
  7. Resource Agency Statements (PDF Format) (This process is typically excluded for small events and amendments on previously issued, non-expired instruments)
    • Appropriate State Historical Preservation Office correspondence from the project State.
    • United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
    • United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
    • Texas Parks & Wildlife (TPWD) (TEXAS ONLY)
    • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) (TEXAS ONLY).
    • New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED) (NEW MEXICO ONLY)
    • New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) (NEW MEXICO ONLY)
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s (for projects on coastal areas only)
    • National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (for projects on coastal areas only)
    • Appropriate regulatory agency for petroleum/gas pipelines (ie, Bureau of Energy Resources, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
  8. Resource Agency Statement for Water line & Pumps - (PDF Format)
    • A permit from appropriate state environmental or water regulatory agency, to divert waters from rivers or reservoirs, is necessary before a permit for pumps and water lines can be issued.
  9. Additional Environmental Documentation (PDF Format)
    • Any available environmental documentation such as Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Information Document, or Environmental Impact Statement should be submitted with the application.
Step 3. Apply
  1. Make sure to enclose all materials necessary to complete a full review including Project Application cover sheet IBWC Form 371. Failure to submit appropriate material may result in denied submission or prolong reviews.
  2. Submit your application package to with the heading Application Submittal followed by your entity title (i.e Application Submittal: USIBWC). Failure to properly title your request may result in prolong reviews.
  3. Please submit all applications directly to the Realty email address. Submitting to any other channels may result in prolonged reviews.

NEPA Policy

Consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in considering an application for an Outgrant, the USIBWC takes into account environmental impacts of the proposed event and directly related construction. All Outgrants must be in accordance with USIBWC Operational Procedures for Implementing Section 102 of NEPA. Most applications will require some level of coordination with federal, state, and local agencies, especially projects with ground-disturbance on USIBWC property. The applicant may be required to develop, at the applicant’s expense, the necessary environmental analysis as may be required by the USIBWC, in addition to any information the applicant may wish to furnish in order to demonstrate that granting of an Outgrant is in the public interest and complies with environmental laws and regulations. Consistent with 40 CFR 1500-1508, USIBWC may seek public input on the final issuance of the Outgrant.

During this comprehensive review, the USIBWC may prepare, circulate for comment, and file a description of the potential environmental impacts of the project. Before furthering any application process, applicants may contact either the USIBWC Environmental Management Division at (915) 832-4702 or the Environmental Protection Agency to discuss NEPA concerns. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the USIBWC Environmental Protection Specialist before proceeding.

Frequently Asked Questions