Colorado River Deliveries

Minute 221

Final liquidation of costs allocable to Mexico of construction of the south Gila levee and determination of the part of its operation and maintenance costs allocable to that country.

Minute 211

Manner of payment of Mexico's share of cost of construction of Group II Colorado River levees upstream from Morelos Diversion Dam.

Minute 209

Portion allowable to Mexico of costs of operation and maintenance of the Group I levees on the Colorado River upstream from Morelos Diversion Dam.

Minute 208

Final liquidation of costs corresponding to Mexico for Group I levee works required upstream from the Morelos Diversion Dam to protect lands within the United States against damages from such rise in flood stages of the Colorado River as might result from construction, operation and maintenance of that structure.

Minute 197

Adoption of Rules for the Operation and Maintenance of the Morelos Diversion Dam on the Colorado River.

Minute 195

Works required above the Morelos Diversion Dam to protect lands within the U.S. against damages from such floods as might result from the construction, operation and maintenance of that structure.

Minute 194

Agreement relative to the emergency use of the All-American Canal for the delivery of water for use in Mexico during the portion of the calendar year 1950 until Articles 10, 11, and 15 of the Water of Treaty of 1944 become effective.

Minute 191

Agreement relative to the emergency use of the All-American Canal for the delivery of water for use in Mexico during the 1949 irrigation season.

Minute 189

Determinations as to site and design features of the main diversion structure to be constructed by Mexico on the Colorado River and work necessitated thereby for protection of United States lands, pursuant to the provisions of Article 12(e) of the 1944 Water Treaty. Concluded February 3, 1944

Minute 188

Agreement relative to the emergency use of the All-American Canal for the delivery of water for use in Mexico during the 1948 irrigation season.