Latest Past Meetings

Middle Rio Grande Coordinated Monitoring Meeting, April 15, 2024


The annual Coordinated Monitoring Meetings gather parties that are currently conducting water quality monitoring activities in that portion of the basin as well as entities such as other state agencies that can provide input on monitoring. The group discusses the next fiscal year's monitoring schedule. Minutes: Click Here

Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum, April 2, 2024

The USIBWC Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum Board held a public meeting on April 2, 2024, at the Mercedes Field Office, Mercedes, Texas. USIBWC Commissioner Dr. Maria-Elena Giner, P.E., provided an update on the status of the Minute negotiations for the Rio Grande and what that means for bringing predictability and reliability to the Rio…

San Diego Citizens Forum, March 28, 2024

The USIBWC San Diego Citizens Forum Board held a public meeting on March 28, 2024, at Coronado Community Center, 1845 Strand Way, Coronado, Calif. Citizens Forum Board Member Alberto Pombo, Ph.D., and CEO of Border Communities for a Healthy Environment, presented a study analyzing data compiled over 25 years on pollution origins on the Tijuana…