Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum, August 8, 2018


The USIBWC Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum Board held a public meeting on August 8, 2018, at the USIBWC field office in Mercedes, Texas. Leslie Grijalva, Environmental Projection Specialist, USIBWC, discussed the water quality of the Rio Grande in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Jose Davila, Assistant Rio Grande Watermaster, presented on the Rio Grande…

Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum, November 16, 2022

The USIBWC Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum Board held a virtual public meeting on November 16, 2022. U.S. Commissioner Maria-Elena Giner provided an overview of the USIBWC budget process and…

Upper Rio Grande Citizens Forum, February 23, 2023


The USIBWC Rio Grande Citizens Forum Board held a public meeting on February 23, 2023, via webinar. Elizabeth Verdecchia, USIBWC Natural Resource Specialist, gave an update on USIBWC’s activities to…

Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum, March 15, 2023


The USIBWC Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum Board held a public meeting on March 15, 2023, at the Mercedes, Texas, field office. USIBWC Legal Advisor Jennifer Peña introduced a white…

Upper Rio Grande Coordinated Monitoring Meeting, March 21, 2023


The annual Coordinated Monitoring Meetings gather parties that are currently conducting water quality monitoring activities in that portion of the basin as well as entities such as other state agencies that can provide input on monitoring. The group discusses the next fiscal year's monitoring schedule. Minutes: Click Here

Pecos River Coordinated Monitoring Meeting, March 23, 2023


The annual Coordinated Monitoring Meetings gather parties that are currently conducting water quality monitoring activities in that portion of the basin as well as entities such as other state agencies that can provide input on monitoring. The group discusses the next fiscal year's monitoring schedule. Minutes: Click Here

Middle Rio Grande Coordinated Monitoring Meeting, April 5, 2023


The annual Coordinated Monitoring Meetings gather parties that are currently conducting water quality monitoring activities in that portion of the basin as well as entities such as other state agencies that can provide input on monitoring. The group discusses the next fiscal year's monitoring schedule. Minutes: Click Here

Colorado River Citizens Forum, May 17, 2023

The USIBWC Colorado River Citizens Forum Board held a virtual public meeting on May 17, 2023. Dr. Francisco Zamora, Senior Director of Programs at the Sonoran Institute and a member of the Raise the River Coalition, presented on "Restoration Efforts in the Colorado River under Minute 323/." Steven Anderson from the Southern Nevada Water Authority…

Southeast Arizona Citizens Forum, June 8, 2023


The USIBWC Southeast Arizona Citizens Forum held a public meeting on June 8, 2023, at Tubac Community Center, Tubac, Ariz. Andrés Rangel, Associate Director at North American Development Bank, described the current situation of the Naco wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment plant as well as the status of efforts to address this situation. Mr.…