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Executive Offices

Foreign Affairs Office

The Foreign Affairs Office reports to the Office of the United States Commissioner. This office supports the United States Commissioner's charge of joining with the Mexican Commissioner in application of the obligations and rights assumed by the United States and Mexican Governments in the several boundary and water treaties and IBWC agreements. The Foreign Affairs Office is headed by the United States Section Secretary who accompanies the U.S. Commissioner to IBWC meetings and, with the Mexican Section Secretary, controls the diplomatic communications of the IBWC. They prepare the IBWC formal agreements, IBWC Minutes, in English and Spanish and keep records of all discussions and understandings reached at those meetings, as well as advise on protocol. They serve as Spanish and English language interpreters and as policy advisers on domestic relations. In liaison with the Department of State, they serve as expert advisers on boundary and water treaty and IBWC agreement interpretations.

Public Affairs Office

The Public Affairs Office is available to respond to questions from members of the public about IBWC projects. If you would like an agency brochure or have a question about the IBWC, please contact our Public Affairs Office.

Equal Employment Opportunity Program

The Equal Employment Opportunity Program administers policy, methods, and procedures for implementing a model EEO program that complies with established USIBWC policies, Government-wide EEO statutes and regulations, and EEO-related Presidential Executive Orders. EEO Officer provides advice, technical assistance, and support to management officials, collateral duty and contract EEO personnel. Additionally, the EEO Officer maintains the integrity of EEO programs by monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of all EEO programs, and compliance with established EEO policy and procedures.

Employees and/or Applicants for employment who believe they have been discriminated against because of their race, sex, national origin, color, religion, age (40+), or for physical or mental disability, pregnancy accommodation, and/or who believe they have been discriminated against for past EEO activity may file an EEO complaint by contacting the EEO office at EEO@ibwc.gov. This contact must be within 45 calendar days from the date of the alleged incident.

Internal Audit Program

The Internal Audit Program is responsible for critically evaluating USIBWC programs and activities to ensure full compliance with federal laws, regulations, and sound business practices. This requires planning, executing, analyzing, and reporting on the full scope of compliance and performance audit issues and in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards. Audit follow-ups are performed to ensure prompt and corrective actions are taken, to include implementation of audit recommendations, and to ensure controls are adequate in preventing recurrence of deficiencies. The Internal Audit function serves as the focal point for monitoring actions related to external audits such as those carried out by the Department of State Inspector General and private audit firms. The Internal Audit Program Manager serves as the audit liaison for the agency and submits final audit reports directly to the United States Commissioner. The USIBWC Auditor and Internal Audit Program Manager is currently vacant.

Human Resources Office

The Human Resources Office (HRO) is committed to partnering with USIBWC management in attracting, developing, and retaining a highly qualified and diverse workforce that enables the agency to achieve its mission and strategic goals. HRO does so by managing the following comprehensive array of programs:

- Human Capital Strategic Planning;
- Staffing;
- Position Classification and Management;
- Pay and Leave Administration;
- Labor Relations;
- Employee Relations (including onboarding, benefits, conduct, and performance management and recognition);
- Employee Development; and
- Technical Services.

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Report

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results revealed significant improvement in several areas. Thirty-four of the 82 survey items were noted as strengths. The USIBWC's greatest strengths reflect employees' self-perception in their work environment, including the following: employees are willing make an extra effort to get a job done; they like the kind of work they do; they constantly look for ways to do their job better; employees believe their work is important; and they know how their work relates to the agency's goals and priorities. USIBWC management values employees' positive views of their work and how it contributes to the agency mission. At the same time, survey results identified the following challenges: employees feel that they lack sufficient resources to accomplish their work; they believe pay raises do not depend on how well they perform their jobs; employees do not feel that creativity and innovation are rewarded; they are not satisfied with opportunities to get a better job in the organization; and they do not believe their training needs are assessed. Management and employees need to focus on sustaining its many strengths while working together to address its challenges.

Washington Liaison

Washington DC

The Special Assistant serves as a senior foreign policy adviser to the U.S. Commissioner. The Special Assistant is permanently assigned to the Office of Mexican Affairs at the Department of State in Washington, D.C., where the incumbent functions as the principal liaison between the USIBWC and the Department of State. The USIBWC is funded through and operates under the foreign policy guidance of the Department of State. The Special Assistant facilitates cooperation and coordination between the agency and the Department of State and other Washington agencies and organizations on USIBWC issues that have foreign policy implications. The Special Assistant represents the USIBWC in policy and technical discussions held in Washington and acts as a USIBWC point of contact for Washington Congressional offices and representatives of states, local governments, and non-governmental organizations represented or meeting in Washington.

Francisco Sainz, Office of Mexican Affairs, Room 3924, Department of State, Washington, DC 20520-3924
(202) 647-8529 FAX: (202) 647-4088